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Trundle transforming where children sleep. We collaborate with kids and their caretakers to create safe, inspiring spaces where they can dream.  Combining creativity, a small budget and teamwork, we make visible progress, quickly. Children learn that they don't have to settle for things as they are. Simply applying a fresh coat of paint, they prove to themselves that they can begin to change the walls and world in which they live. Co-founded by Maris Garcia and Kristen Zelenka.


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We are the trundlers

Hi! We started Trundle because we recognize the impact space has on people's lives.
We believe transforming where you sleep and study will help your dreams come true. 

Kristen Zelenka is a designer who uses an interdisciplinary approach to advance social causes. In addition to trundle, Kristen started the design company Question Box Studio to inspire community engagement through powerful messaging, imagery, and design. Kristen has worked on projects for foundations, schools, and community organizations grappling with issues such as gun violence, child abuse, bullying, and homelessness. 

Kristen has a degree in Art & Design and a minor in Global Media Studies from the University of Michigan. She is currently a student at Northwestern in Business Communication and Digital Innovation. 

Maris Garcia is a design strategist, who brings innovative practices and solutions to commercial settings, educational environments and the social sector. 

Maris teaches Design Research Methods at the School of the Art Institute (SAIC) and received a B.A. from Washington University in St. Louis, where she studied architecture. She served as a building inspector and spent eight years at gravitytank, an innovation consultancy, working as a researcher, strategist and engagement manager. She loves to travel and leads teams of volunteers around the world to build homes with Habitat for Humanity's Global Village program. 

Interested in working with us? 

If you are a family interested in working with us to transform your space, please contact Maris at 

If you are a business interested in partnership or educational opportunities, please contact Kristen at